Jeffrey Hannah
Theatrical Lighting
Hair: Firebowl
Lighting prop constructed for the Uni. of MS 2015 production of, Hair.
For the University of Mississippi's production of, Hair there was a request to simulate fire on stage. This would be utilized by the Tribe in an opening ceremony, as well as to facilitate burning the draft cards.
I created this prop by taking the bowl provided by the Scenic Designer, and placing a 2" round of insulation foam inside it. I then marked the layout of the lighting elements on the foam and cut spaces for them so the foam could help keep everything situated in place. I then coated all the foam in black tack. This served the purpose of protecting the foam from wearing down from repeated use, helped to protect the foam from the heat generated by the mini fogger, and provided a surface to attach the LED tape to, as well as providing a minor amount of heat dispersal for the LEDs.
All of the lighting elements had a small amount of 5lb velcro attached to it, and a corresponding piece set into the bowl, so each element could be firmly affixed during use. The lighting elements consisted of several strips of RGB LED tape, a Look Solutions mini-fogger with a radio control receiver, a 4-channel wireless dimmer from RC4 Wireless, and a 12v drill battery to power the dimmer and LED tape. The wireless dimmer allowed the Lighting Designer to program a fire chase effect onto the LEDs that was controllable through the lighting console, as well as control the mini fan, located at the bottom of the bowl set to blow air upward. When an ASM located backstage triggered the mini-fogger, smoke with begin billowing upward, which looked like fire glowing in the bowl.